It's election time again and I'm starting to see the typical barrage of political speeches on the news. It occurred to me last night how insane election campaigns are and how we as the voting public just accept it as just the way things are. Let me explain. Let's say you got to vote for who was going to be the next coach of the New England Patriots, or the CEO of Microsoft, or the next quarterback for the Buffalo Bills. Then the candidates for these jobs went on tv and did nothing but talk about how the guy who currently holds that job has done nothing right since he has held the position. Literally NOTHING. The current job holder can't put his shoes on correctly according to this new potential candidate. How would you react to that? Personally I would think the candidate was crazy. Think about this for a second from a different angle. Think about how much drive, sacrifice, intelligence, and plain old luck it takes to get hold the position of coach in the NFL or CEO of Microsoft. Is it really possible that somebody could reach that pinnacle of success and be totally wrong about everything they are doing? Now think about this. There are 32 head coaches in the NFL and dozens of people who are CEO of billion dollar companies in the US. There is only one president of the United States. One guy made it out of 330 million. How likely is it that that guy is totally wrong about everything he is doing? It's lunacy and it's political bullshit and we as the voting public accept it without a second thought. We accept that the candidate most likely does not believe much of what he is saying about the other candidate.
By the way, beware any recipe that calls for you to "wisk on high for 5 minutes". You are basically signing up to have minor steam burns on your hand when you do that.
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