Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Beautiful Morning

I saw an interesting interview with Mark Levin a few days ago.  He was talking about his new book Ameritopia.  Specifically, he talked about how all the worst dictatorial regimes people think of in history were all conceived of as Utopian paradises for it's citizens.  The fundamental thing that Mark argues that all inventors of such systems did wrong was use the philosophy that if everybody does x, y, and z then everything will be great.  Put simply they ignored individualism.  This is a fatal flaw because all human beings are at their core individualists.  This was true 1000 years ago, it is true in the middle of the amazon rain forest, and it's true in a high rise office building in New York.  To ignore this is to invite failure.  He goes on to argue that the country was based on the idea of liberty.  Liberty being the individual's right to pursue happiness in whatever way without the government infringing on his rights to do so.  Then Mr. Levin goes on to make the correlation between that and what Obama has been doing yada yada yada.  I don't agree with everything Mark Levin says.  In fact, I think his brand of right wingism is a bit off to me.  I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just don't care for it.  This concept of utopia through collective control is an interesting one though. 

It was a beautiful morning today.  I hope you were able to catch a glimpse.


  1. I listened a couple times of this guy when I was driving. All radio talk shows are very similar in that they try to simulate your feelings and thoughts so that you will want to listen more and that they can sell more commercials. All the words like, individulism, uptopia or dictatorships are big but vain words without proper contexts. We are lucky to have a system that is made of democracy,law and freedom of speech.

    M L.

  2. I agree with a lot of what that guy says, but he comes off as such a jerk and with a bad attitude.
    I like Larry Elder, smart well spoken guy and doesnt have to be like that to get his point across. Too bad they took him off of 790, not a big enough jerk I guess.
