Friday, January 6, 2012

To Juice or not to Juice?

I have been hearing an awful lot about juicing lately.  Multiple people that I work with have gone on the juice diet.  This is not the typical morning OJ that most of us enjoy on a regular basis.  No this is more vegetables than fruit.  In fact, one guy I know didn't include fruit at all.  Every story I hear about this diet goes about the same.  The first 2 days are the worst.  Your body is crying out for the sugar and garbage that you usually eat.  You are basically in withdrawal for that period.  After that it gets much better and you suddenly have much more energy.  One of the artists on my team is very anemic and has to sleep 10-12 hours a day.  He seems constantly tired.  He tried this diet and has experienced great results.  I am very interested in doing this.  I just need to get myself over to Costco to by a shopping cart full of kale, carrots, tomatoes, and radishes.  YUMM!!

Got myself out for a run yesterday morning.  This is the view from Redondo as the sun is coming over the army reserve center.

1 comment:

  1. What in the juice is mostly water and suggar(of course of different form), so I do not think it is good idea. Just eat the fruit as it is. What you throw away after juciing could be the good part of the fruit that your body needs.

    M L.
