Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Narrow Grip for the Win

8 minute walk
1K row

Front Squat

I finally figured out how to front squat without my fingers feeling like they are about to snap.  All I had to do was narrow my grip on the bar a few inches.  This makes front squatting so much easier.  When I did front squats for the first time was at a crossfit gym.  They had us find our 3 rep max which for me was 235.  Today I was able to do 245 at the end of a workout 3 reps.  That felt great.  I'm pretty sure right now I could get a 3 rep max of 265-275.  I'm going to keep working this 5x5 routine for a month and then max out bench, front squat, and pull ups.

I wonder if there is something that the government subsidizes or otherwise "helps" with that is universally considered successful.  I feel like if the government got out of "helping" to subsidize college education nobody would be able to afford most colleges and thus the prices of college educations would go down.  I feel the same way about healthcare.  I try not to think about stuff like this too much since I honestly don't understand the details, however from a common sense cursory point of view these programs don't appear to be really helping anybody other than the ones taking all the tax dollars.

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