It is incredible how much more organized I have been forced to be after moving. Especially in the morning. As soon as I wake up it seems like every minute has a designated task attached to it. The one thing I still seem to have a hard time with is getting a work out of any kind in. I have a window from 7:15 to 7:45 that I can do it. This seems like plenty of time to do a small circuit workout. What usually happens however, is I get held up fixing a lunch or washing a dish or something like that. When 7:20 rolls around I literally have 2-3 minutes to get started or it's already over because I won't have enough time. I still have yet to wake up earlier to get my workout in first, which is what the smart thing to do would be. I just can't get myself up at 5am and immediately jump into exercise. I need a little bit of wake up time first. Even when I was running early in the morning in Venice I had the hour long drive to work to wake up. That doesn't sound very safe now that I think about it.
The sky was like this for about 5 minutes this morning. Wish I had caught it with a better camera.
Maybe you should try run on the treadmill at home during weekdays, and run outside on the weekend. That way you can have more time in the morning.