2 mile warm up run
3 sets
40 russian twist crunches w/10lbs med ball
20 thrusters with 15lb dumbbells
20 bicycle crunches
I tried working in some toes to bars in this work out and it felt a little funny so I only did 10 then switched to something else. I have been doing a lot of shoulder stuff in the last 2 days so maybe it's best that I lay off of that joint for a few days. I'm feeling a lot better this week though. I want to do a hardcore pushup routine by the end of the week to really test it out.
I finally found something good about day light savings. It appears that everybody tries to get home faster to get a little bit of day light at the end of their work day. So by the time 7 pm rolls around and I'm ready to leave, the freeways are virtually clear. I'll take that.
Derek has dug himself a bit of a hole at school with his grades. He suffers from the same bad habits I had at his age in that getting homework done on time and turned in is quite the challenge. He's a smart kid though. Smarter than I at his age. I'm sure he will recover. Not without a bit of prodding from his parents though.
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