Friday, August 23, 2013

Strength Week?

 5 sets of 10 reps on a weight I couldn't finish by set 5 on the lat pull down machine.

finished off with 20 burpees.

too easy, didn't feel like much of a workout.  Think I'll have to do something hard tomorrow.

I saw an interview on youtube yesterday with a competitor in the crossfit games.  In it he said you shouldn't do so many metcons if you want to be competitive in crossfit.  The first thing I had to do was find out what a metcon is.  Metcon is the short term for metabolic conditioning.  Ever since I discovered crossfit I assumed this was the primary type of workout crossfitters did.  Apparently I was mistaken.  After some more digging on some crossfit forums I found out that it is indeed more of a mix.  Crossfit really appears to be a mix of different kinds of exercises.  The current theory is that you simply can not get strong by doing metcon workouts only.  I think what they meant to say is that you can't maximize your strength gains by doing metcons.  I agree with that.  However, my goals in working out are mental just as much as they are physical.  When it comes to building mental toughness there isn't a better workout than a metcon for building that.  So this week I decided to switch things up and do more of a strength thing.  This was hard.  To be honest I don't think I was doing it right.  Strength focused workouts are pretty much the polar opposite of metcons.  I think what I was doing was half way between the two. 

I really need to get that pullup bar put up.

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