3 rep max Hang Power Clean
This was my second time at Crossfit 5150. It's interesting how I never know what to expect when I show up. I haven't done power cleans since high school. However, at least I have done them before. The hang clean is slightly different in that you dead lift the weight up first. Then you thrust your hips forward and pull up at the same time to bring it to the front rack position. I did 4 or 5 reps with increasing weight until I looked down at the bar and saw a little chunk of something like a piece of paper attached to the bar. Upon closer examination it was a little piece of the skin from my hand. There was also a smear of my blood on the bar. Pretty freakin macho if you ask me. I wish so much that I had stopped and gotten my phone for a picture. Instead I flicked it off the bar and kept lifting. There is a lot of technique involved in olympic lifting. I don't ever remember anybody talking about that when I was lifting in high school. Probably would have helped. The beard is getting about as long as I'm willing to allow it. I need to get some pictures taken and people over to see it quick. Needless to say, I'm over it.
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